Fall Landscaping Projects

The fall projects are underway at WSG and the managers at Ruppert Landscape want you to know what is happening.  The crew has been trimming for the past few weeks following a schedule set by the Landscape Committee and will complete this project soon.

Next on the agenda is turf aerating and fertilizing.  The exact date for this important project is determined by weather.  Last year the landscapers were fortunate to have very wet soil-perfect for aeration!  The crew hopes to have rain so that aeration can occur October 3-8.  The end of October is the cut-off date where aeration and fertilization must happen even is the soil is dry.

Having wet soil is very beneficial but it does come with a minor issue, some mud on the sidewalks.  The crew will get as much of this blown off the day they aerate and a rain will take the rest away.  They have requested that residents have patience with this process.

Please continue to send e-mails with your requests to Abbie (apkess@nc.rr.com) and Peggy (peggy@berkeleychapelhill.com).