Turf and Shrub Management

With all the rain lately, the turf has been growing quickly, but it has been very wet and mowing has been tricky.  Most of the larger common areas (along the roadside) have been addressed but the smaller turf areas where the mowers may damage the new growth have not been mowed weekly.  The crew assesses the turf each week and checks in with Nancy or Patsy with their mowing recommendations.

Shrubs throughout the community are growing as well, and certain areas look like they could use a good pruning.  However, we do not want to prune during prime growing season as it can damage or even kill a plant.  Spring prune date is yet to be determined but will likely fall at the end of spring or beginning of summer when the plants go dormant in the heat.  Of course, this is subject to change and is based on the weather and growth rates.