In recent weeks Weathersfield residents have received information concerning the upcoming Rejuvenation project which begins on Tuesday, January 12th.  The WSG Board of Directors convened a Special Meeting on Saturday, January 9th to discuss all aspects of rejuvenation and what it believes will be its positive, long-term benefit.  The following Motion unanimously passed “All shrubs, bushes and trees having been marked with tape (pink or orange) or white paint will be rejuvenated as planned by WSG contractor, Ruppert Landscape, or as adjusted by the WSG Landscaping committee acting on behalf of the WSG Board of Directors.  Exemptions may be granted only to those who have formally appealed to the Board of Directors and received approval for these exemptions beforehand.”

We encourage residents to visit and to gain a greater understanding of rejuvenation, why it is needed, and what to expect once it is complete.  The Board thanks you, in advance, for your patience and hopes that you will extend every courtesy to the Ruppert crew and the Landscaping committee as this process goes forward.