For many years, a much-anticipated event has been the annual WEATHERSFIELD SPRING FLING where the community gathers in The Grove in late April or early May to share favorite appetizers or desserts, socialize with friends and neighbors before the buggy season sets in, and introduce newcomers to our community.  Residents have invited friends, and, in some instances, those same friends have later moved to Weathersfield and looked forward to this yearly event.  Sadly, COVID 19 put the kibosh on last year’s “Fling”, and it seems unwise to plan the event for this year as well even though many in our community have been fortunate in getting the vaccine.  The “Fling” would still involve the sharing of food and drink and close contact in a rather large group.

These have been very isolating times to which all of us can attest.  Some folks who have moved to Weathersfield in the past two years have yet to experience the “Fling” and this is disheartening.  Those of us who have lived here for a while pride ourselves on the well-deserved reputation for friendliness and hospitality that our community has earned.  With this in mind, please reach out to one another (especially newcomers who have arrived during the past two years) and say that brighter days are ahead, and a SPRING FLING will likely be on the schedule for 2022.

Note: While this is not a WSG Board-sponsored event, an enthusiastic, energetic committee forms each year to plan for this gathering in The Grove. An invitation will go out next Spring asking if you would like to be involved.