Ruppert Landscaping will be “trenching” (i.e., digging a shallow furrow along sidewalks, edges of beds, and Common Areas; a technique that helps contain the mulch in those areas over time.) Trenching, a preparatory step to mulching, will start on/about March 17. Mulching will start March 22, 2021 and includes both personal property and Common Areas throughout the community. Weather permitting, Ruppert is hoping to complete mulching in the entire community in 2 – 3 days. In preparation for both trenching and mulching, please remove any non-permanent garden lights, statuary, or other ornamentation on your personal property to avoid any damage to these items as well as providing the Ruppert crew with easy access to your property.
Dark brown mulch, like what is currently in these areas, will be continued to ensure that color consistency remains throughout.