
Welcome to Weathersfield

On behalf of the Board of Directors, welcome to Weathersfield! We are a neighborhood of 104 townhomes located along Weathersfield, Woodbury, and Swim & Croquet—one of the several distinctive neighborhoods that make up Fearrington Village.

When you joined us in Weathersfield, you also became a member of the the Fearrington Homeowners Association (FHA). You can find all you need to know about the FHA on their website: They also annually publish the FHA Directory and Handbook, which provides a hard copy of much useful information. If you haven’t received a recent copy, please contact the FHA Hospitality office at The Gathering Place. Also, be sure to go to the FHA website to register your name and contact information.

The day-to-day administration of The Weathersfield Service Group VI, Inc. (WSG) is handled by Mill House Properties (919-448-5150), and they are the best resource to contact first about any problems you may encounter. You can keep abreast of everything that happens in Weathersfield by consulting our own website: Here you will also find information about our current Board and Committee members, upcoming events, as well as copies of our Declarations and Covenants, By-Laws, and the WSG Board Meeting agendas and minutes. Your monthly dues, payable to Mill House Properties, go toward landscaping, tree pruning, sewer and storm drain maintenance, HOA insurance, garage upkeep and certain repairs to the exterior of our homes. The remainder goes into our reserve fund, which covers the replacement of our infrastructure, such as roofs and the repaving of our parking lots, etc.

Please contact me—or any member of the Board—if you have questions or concerns. We hope that you will enjoy life in Weathersfield as much as we do!

For the Board:
Steve Krasnow, President
January, 2024



Official website of the Weathersfield Service Group