Healthy Turf FAQ

How to Get a Healthy Turf and a Couple of Frequently Asked Questions

In partnership with Rupert Landscape, Fairway Green is working on renovating your turf in WSG, here are a few tips to ensure a healthy turf by spring.

1.    Water. We encourage you to water your turf often. Preferably water in the morning and for up to 30 minutes at a time. This can be done as often as daily but every bit helps. Do not water in the evening, it will remain wet through the evening and mold.
2.    Fairway Green and Ruppert will continue to seed throughout the fall. Fairway green will aerate once more this fall and address specific areas of concerns at that time.
3.    Ruppert will not mow or blow until the turf is established and healthy.
4.    Crab grass will die off naturally during October and will be treated along with other weeds by a pre-emergent this spring.
5.    This is a process, we should see considerable improvement by the holidays and a beautiful lawn throughout WSG by spring.


1.    Question: I see grass coming up only where the aerated “plug” is and nowhere else, why? Answer: this is good, it is what they want to see, and below that “plug” roots are forming and will spread. Grass will spread from this “plug” and you will start to see the area fill in.
2.    Question: I have a lot at “crab grass” will I get grass? Answer: yes, crab grass will die off naturally in the fall, sometime in October. If it does not, it will be treated with a weed killer this fall and a pre-emergent in the spring. Fescue will grow through the crab grass and take hold once the crab grass has died off.
3.    Question: what if grass never grows in my yard? Answer: we will work with Ruppert and Fairway to find a solution that best suits your yard.