Please Be Aware of FHA-designated Pathways

The Weathersfield Service Group and the FHA do not provide, designate, or maintain any cut-through paths behind any Weathersfield homes other than roadways and FHA designated pathways.  WSG is only bordered by FHA paths paralleling Village Way and Swim & Croquet.  Our community places high priority on respecting the rights of all residents to peace, privacy, and security.  If you are headed to (or from) the Smokehouse Mail Kiosk, and Weathersfield is in your plans, we encourage you to stay close to the paths on Village Way which have been specifically designated as an official trail by the FHA. That way you both avoid the natural hazards and respect the privacy of residents whose homes sit at the very edge of this section of our neighborhood.

Thank you so much for your help in alerting other walkers to this situation.