Message from Mill House Properties

Dear Homeowners,

As of Monday, March 16th the Mill House Properties office located at 1720 East Franklin Street in Chapel Hill has closed while we navigate the COVID-19 protocols as it pertains to us. This does not mean Mill House is not open; we are open and all working remotely. While maintaining our usual business hours, we will do what we can from our homes. Please be aware that only essential work orders will be addressed at this time, and we will follow the lead of our vendors to be sure that all CDC guidelines are being observed. Many companies are operating on smaller crews already, so we will follow their lead. We will do our best to meet the needs of our customers.

All emails and phone lines are working, and that is the best way to reach us. If you normally drop off your monthly assessment to the office, we are asking that during this time you please mail them to:

Mill House Properties HOA
1720 East Franklin Street
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
(919) 448-5150

Thank you,
The Mill House HOA Staff