A Guide to Weathersfield Website Access and Content

Note: a downloadable version of this Guide can be found at: Website Guide

August 2021

The official website for the Weathersfield Service Group (WSG) is www.weathersfieldsg.org.  It is the primary tool for the WSG Board to provide timely information to homeowners and residents of our community.  This makes it a “must visit” website for all of us.  The purpose of this document is to tell you how you can access the site and navigate through it once you are there.

Accessing the Weathersfield Website

It’s easy to get to the website.  Just type in www.weathersfieldsg.org in the address bar of your favorite web browser (Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, etc.)  Once there, be sure to add the website to your favorite bookmarks so you don’t have to remember the address.  That’s it.  No sign in or password is required to see all of the content on the website.

Navigating the Weathersfield Website

www.weathersfieldsg.org has two main informational components:

Announcements Section—This is the homepage of the website.  Announcements are shown in date order with latest announcements listed first.  Announcements are notices from the WSG Board or a committee of the Board that are both topical and important for WSG residents to know.  Examples include status of major maintenance projects, upcoming turf treatments, a change in trash collection day, and important information about the Annual General Meeting.

Archives of older announcements can be accessed using the tools on the left-hand side of the page.  Old announcements can be found by clicking on the category of announcement you are looking for or, if you know when the announcement was posted, choosing that month on the “Select a month” button.

Information and Documents Section—Along the Navigation bar near the top of each page is a list of seven drop down menu tabs.  The seven tabs are:

    • Welcome to Weathersfield—Clicking on this tab sends you to a message from the WSG Board President that is addressed primarily to new residents.  The message gives an overview of Weathersfield Service Group (WSG), its responsibilities and services, and its governing system.
    • Website Tutorial—This document is posted on the website in both web page format and as a downloadable PDF document.
    • WSG Board—One click on this tab will give you a list of the current Board members and officers.  Alternatively, if you click and hover over this tab, a drop down menu will display Committees and Offices. Selecting this menu item will provide a description of all the WSG Board committees and a list of names and contact information for the Board officers and committee chairs and members.  Note: clicking on one of the office or committee names listed at the top will send you directly to the information about that office or committee.
    • The Weathersfield Community—Selecting this tab and clicking on The History of Weathersfield sends you to an illustrated essay of Weathersfield’s history since its beginnings in 1989.  It was written by the Communications Committee.
    • DocumentsThis is the most information rich section of the website.  Clicking on this tab provides a drop down list of nine sections which contain different WSG documents.  Note: the documents in this section are all dated with an effective date and are subject to addition, change, and subtraction.  You should double check for updates before taking significant actions based on these documents.  Also, note that all of the documents in this section of the website are downloadable and printable.
      • Bylaws and CovenantsThe Bylaws provide the governing structure for the Board of Directors, provide for the establishment and collection of assessments to the WSG, and list the responsibilities of WSG and the homeowners.  The Covenants provide rules and regulations for owning and living in Weathersfield.
      • WSG Board DocumentsClicking on this menu item provides access to the current year Board meeting agendas and minutes, monthly financial statements and reports from our management company.  All documents related to the current year Annual General Meeting are also posted here.
      • Other sections provide access to the WSG Quick Reference Manual, the Maintenance Responsibility Chart, the WSG Assessment Collections Policy, Notices on current major service projects, Guidelines for Homeowners on various topics, Forms for requesting landscaping or property modifications, and the Board Documents Archive of previous year meeting agendas and minutes, financial statements, etc.
  • Calendar—Official WSG meetings and non-official Weathersfield activities (Holiday Party, Spring Fling, etc.) are posted here.
  • Contacts—This page provides information on contacting the Weathersfield Service Group management agent by mail, phone, email, text or in person.  Office hours and the physical address are listed along with information on making contact in case of an emergency. 

Tips and Tricks

  • Are you receiving our email alerts about Weathersfield important activities?  If you aren’t, it’s easy to add your name to our email list.  At the bottom of the left-hand column on the website homepage, you will see a section with the heading “Mailing List Sign-up.”  Fill in your name and email address in the spaces provided and click on “Sign Up.”  That’s all there is to it!  Now you will receive Weathersfield news and notices to keep you up to date on the happenings within the Weathersfield community.  Note: your sign-up information is not stored on the website.
  • You can always return to the website’s homepage from whatever page you happen to be on by clicking on the header or “Weathersfield Service Group” printed at the top left of the page.
  • Want to search for some specific announcement or other issue?  Try using the Search button.  Click on the magnifying glass image at the top right of each page and type in the search information you are looking for.  For example, if you want to quickly find the rules about building a screened porch, type in “screened porch” and you’ll get a list of all the places that phrase is mentioned.  Give it a try the next time you aren’t sure where to find a topic you’re interested in.

Official website of the Weathersfield Service Group