Category Archives: Announcements

Winter Landscape Schedule

Ruppert Landscape winter schedule is much more limited than the spring, summer & fall schedules.  Specifically, Ruppert visits WSG approximately 2-3 times per month, or about every 10 to 14 days.  This limited schedule is per the existing contract with WSG.

Questions?  Please e-mail,

Christmas Trees Pick-up

Ruppert Landscape will be picking up Christmas Trees the 1st scheduled visit after New Years & two weeks later.  Weather permitting, the dates will be Thursday, January 7th & Thursday, January 21st.  Questions?  E-mail,

Fall Pruning

Note to all WSG Residents,

Fall pruning by Ruppert Landscape will begin next week, November 2nd, & run for few weeks.  Please use the pink tape, provided in each close, to mark the plants in front of your home that you do NOT want pruned.  Note, this is the same process used in the spring.

Thank you, WSG Board of Directors

Healthy Turf FAQ

How to Get a Healthy Turf and a Couple of Frequently Asked Questions

In partnership with Rupert Landscape, Fairway Green is working on renovating your turf in WSG, here are a few tips to ensure a healthy turf by spring.

1.    Water. We encourage you to water your turf often. Preferably water in the morning and for up to 30 minutes at a time. This can be done as often as daily but every bit helps. Do not water in the evening, it will remain wet through the evening and mold.
2.    Fairway Green and Ruppert will continue to seed throughout the fall. Fairway green will aerate once more this fall and address specific areas of concerns at that time.
3.    Ruppert will not mow or blow until the turf is established and healthy.
4.    Crab grass will die off naturally during October and will be treated along with other weeds by a pre-emergent this spring.
5.    This is a process, we should see considerable improvement by the holidays and a beautiful lawn throughout WSG by spring.


1.    Question: I see grass coming up only where the aerated “plug” is and nowhere else, why? Answer: this is good, it is what they want to see, and below that “plug” roots are forming and will spread. Grass will spread from this “plug” and you will start to see the area fill in.
2.    Question: I have a lot at “crab grass” will I get grass? Answer: yes, crab grass will die off naturally in the fall, sometime in October. If it does not, it will be treated with a weed killer this fall and a pre-emergent in the spring. Fescue will grow through the crab grass and take hold once the crab grass has died off.
3.    Question: what if grass never grows in my yard? Answer: we will work with Ruppert and Fairway to find a solution that best suits your yard.

Change in Common Water Model

Change in Weathersfield Common Water Model/Option Offered to Close Residents


The purpose of this notice is to advise all the owners in Weathersfield of a major change to the management of the common water faucets/meters, and the manner in which common areas and plantings are watered beginning January 1, 2016. The change is required due to the substantial increase in water system costs. As the data below indicates, the cost is not commensurate with the benefit received.

What is your Board doing?

Effective January 1, 2016, the common water meter in each Close will be removed.

Why is your Board doing this?

This action will save more than $7000/year which can be applied to other areas of the budget providing greater benefit to our community.

Do I have a choice?

Yes. Any Close which does not want its common water meter removed may take full ownership of the meter.  An individual in the Close must be designated to receive the water bill for the meter, collect monies from the other Close owners, pay the bills, and maintain the system. This individual must be on record as the “customer” not later than December 31, 2015, with Chatham County Utilities.


There are 20 neighborhood common water faucets in Weathersfield for residents to use when watering common area grass, hedges, bushes, and shrubs during a six‐month period, May 1 to October 31. Drip Systems have been attached to seven of the faucets and two Closes have installed Automatic Irrigation Systems.

Inventory of Common Water Faucets

Common water faucets (11): Units (530‐533) (534‐539) (540‐545) (552‐557) (564‐569) (570‐571) (572‐575) (576‐579) (580‐581) (588‐593) and (594 A‐F)

Drip Systems (7): Units (508‐513) (514‐519) (520‐523) (524‐529 [timer removed]) (546‐551) 558‐563) (582‐587). The drip systems were installed by the Weathersfield Service Group (WSG) after major replacements of Close common area hedges, bushes and shrubs. The operation of the drip systems is the responsibility of the WSG and they are managed by Ruppert.

Automatic Irrigation Systems (2): Units (595 A‐F) and (596 A‐F). The original residents of Closes 595 and 596 installed automatic irrigation systems to water the common areas. These residents paid for the installation of the automatic systems and the current residents are responsible for the cost of maintenance. Operation and maintenance of these systems are not the responsibility of the WSG.

Paying for the Common Faucet Water

Each common faucet has a water meter. Each meter has a billing account number. The WSG, through homeowner assessments, pays the monthly water bills for the water usage recorded by all 20 meters (faucets, drip systems, and automatic irrigation systems) and for the meters’ monthly Base Administration Fee.

Cost of Water

The cost of water has gone up considerably. In the last 10 years the Base Administration Fee for each meter has doubled. The cost of water has tripled. Current Chatham County water rates:

Base Administrative Fee/Meter $15.00 Per meter per month plus usage rate below
Reconnection Fee/Meter, $35.00
Block 1 (0 to 5000) gallons, $7.00 per 1000 gallons
Block 2 (5001 to 8000) gallons, $8.50 per 1000 gallons
Block 3 (over 8000) gallons, $10.00 per 1000 gallons

The monthly Base Administration Fees for the 20 common water meters in Weathersfield cost $3600 a year (20 x $15.00 x 12=$3600.) This cost is incurred whether or not any water is used. Turning off the water to our 20 common water faucets during the winter months to avoid burst frozen pipes will incur a $35.00

Reconnection Fee per faucet in the Spring (20 x $35.00 = $700).

Common Water Usage

A very thorough review of the monthly water usage records revealed that a large majority of the Close Common Water meters recorded minimal or no water use.

Aging Common Water Infrastructure

We are faced with an aging infrastructure that will need repair and/or replacement and our exposed common water faucets need freeze‐proofing. By mid‐Aug 2015 water leaks had already consumed 19,000 gallons of water.

Has any other neighborhood in Fearrington done something like this?

The Countryhouse V neighborhood cut off common water in their Closes several years ago due to overuse and leaks. They chose to have Chatham County remove all the common water meters. New plantings in the common areas are watered by the residents. Grass is not watered. If a resident wants the grass watered, it is his responsibility. Countryhouse V reports that they always find volunteers to water new plantings in a common area.

2016 Common Water Policy Summary

Considering the increasing cost of water, the small number of Closes which regularly use common water and the aging of the water system infrastructure, your Board has determined that the current Weathersfield common water model is not sustainable. Encouraged by the success of Countryhouse V, your Board has voted to abandon the current model.  However, recognizing that one size may not always fit all, the Board is offering each Close the option to keep the Close common water faucet meter thereby assuming responsibility for the cost of the monthly Base Administration Fee, the water usage cost and the cost of system maintenance. The Close will appoint a designated representative who will be on record as the “customer” to receive the Chatham County bills for these costs.  In all cases, if major new landscaping is planted by WSG in any Close, the residents will be encouraged to keep the new plantings watered.

Southern Perfection

Fairway Green’s “Southern Perfection” Turf-Grass Mixture Information

Fairway Green’s “Southern Perfection” contains a mixture of 35% Falcon IV, 30% Finelawn Elite, 30% Shenandoah Sport and 3% Guinness Kentucky Bluegrass. Turfgrass for the next century…winning the fight against surface-feeding insects, grows low but grows strong…your lawn will never be greener, naturally cut down on clippings and mowing. Falcon IV, Finelawn and Shenandoah Sport are the best tall fescue varieties available in the industry. Tested across multiple states, locations and environments these varieties exhibit improved turf quality, vibrant turf color, excellent disease resistance and improved stress tolerance. Guinness Kentucky bluegrass is the fastest establishing elite Kentucky bluegrass available in the lawn care industry. Looking for elite turf, fast germination and enhanced knitting of turf for improved sod strength and traffic tolerance? Look no further than Guinness. In addition to all these great qualities, Southern Perfection contains 0% weed seed and 0% other crop seed.


  • Improved turf quality
  • Contains 0% weed seed and 0% other crop
  • Top NTEP turfgrass performance
  • Slower vertical growth results in less mowing
  • Improved winter turf density & disease resistance
  • Good heat & drought tolerance
  • Entophyte enhancement for natural pest resistance
  • Strong genetic diversity for the discriminating lawn care professional
  • Strong seedling vigor to reduce winter weed invasion
  • Available in 25# and 50# bags


  • Improved traffic tolerance
  • Excellent Disease Resistance
  • Excellent Drought Tolerance
  • No additional weed seeds added to the lawn
  • Uniform distinct appearance
  • Strong seedling vigor for fast establishment
  • Less mowing Improved summer performance
  • Great in full sun or partial shade
  • Resistance to above ground insects


Falcon IV and Finelawn are the “best of the best” in improved tall fescue varieties. They ranked #1 and #6 and statistically tied for 1st in mean turf quality among 160 entries in the National Turfgrass Evaluation Program (NTEP) tall fescue test. Falcon IV and Finelawn Elite exhibit improved resistance to brown patch, leaf spot, and pythium blight and winter net blotch. They tied for 1st in brown patch resistance across 6 test locations in the Coastal Plains and Mid Southern USA. Shenandoah Sport is legendary in the Coastal Plains and mountains of the Carolinas, Virginia and Mid Atlantic Coastal Plain, Piedmont, and Southeastern Plains. It tied for 1st in mean turf quality and brown patch resistance in the 1997-2000 Final Report NTEP No. 1-14 conducted across 10 transitional zone locations across the United States.


Southern Perfection is an excellent choice to renovate old turf areas with or without the use of Roundup® herbicide to kill the old turf prior to seeding. If there are many undesirable grasses in the old turf area, it is best to spray Roundup® at the manufacturers recommended rate prior to seeding. The seed should be planted by using a slit seed or a core aeration machine to incorporate the seed in the soil below the thatch level.


Developed for permanent blends and mixtures for new and reseeded home lawns, parks and commercial areas.  Southern Perfection is a genetically diverse; wear tolerant mixture that exhibits year long green color, great drought tolerance and natural pest resistance. It is particularly well adapted to the Mid South, Mid Atlantic and irrigated regions of the Western U.S. where heat and drought stress limit the use of other improved cool-season turfgrasses.


Southern Perfection should be seeded @ 5-10 lbs. per 1000 ft2. Southern Perfection is great for establishing new home lawns and commercial sites. In the Charlotte and Triangle area; 6-8 lbs. per 1000 ft2 is recommended; or 4-5 lbs per 1000 ft2 for slice seeding and interseeding of existing lawns and commercial sites. Proper watering is the key to success. Seed must be kept moist during germination and 1” of water a week after germination.


Sow in fall when soil temperatures are 60° F or higher. Under optimal conditions germination can be expected in 14-21 days. Attractive turf color should be observed in 30 days with the first rotary mowing on day 30-post establishment providing proper irrigation was applied.  Limited use of the seeded area can be expected for approximately 45 days. In North Carolina and Mid South recommended cutting heights are 3½” to 4”.


Southern Perfection thrives as a permanent turf in areas where cool-season grasses are adapted.