Category Archives: Announcements

Please Welcome New WSG Board Member

Pursuant to Article VI, Section 3 of our Bylaws, the Weathersfield Service Group VI Board would like to announce its unanimous appointment of David Spencer to the Board of Directors  Dave will serve until November 2021, filling the unexpired term of Bill Simpson who is retiring due to personal reasons.  While Bill’s knowledge, experience and sunny personality will be sorely missed, the Board believes Dave to be a stellar addition to its ranks.  Dave will also assume Bill’s chairmanship of the Insurance Committee.

Please express your appreciation for Dave’s willingness to serve next time you see him and Jan walking their dog along Weathersfield road.

Pressure Washing Begins June 15

Pressure washing Weathersfield homes, garages, front brick stoops and wooden railings will occur June 15 – 25, 2020.  Southern Outdoor Restoration (SOR) is the company hired to do the work.  Between June 4 and 5 the company will leave a flyer explaining the process on each front porch.  A copy of the flyer can be viewed here.
The flyer reminds residents to remove all moveable or breakable items off front porches, exterior walls and outdoor living spaces.  If you have any questions about the process after reading the flyer, please go to SOR’s Weathersfield page on their website,, to learn more, especially if you have surveillance cameras, electronic doorbells or similar equipment. You will also find on the website a map of Weathersfield showing the day SOR plans to pressure wash your home and garage.  Dates are subject to the weather, of course.

Considerations Concerning COVID-19 Virus Outbreak

The Weathersfield Service Group (WSG) Board of Directors is concerned for the well-being of all the residents of our community and believe we all have a responsibility to support the North Carolina Stay at Home mandate.  Most importantly, board members strongly encourage WSG residents to practice the public health guidelines of the U.S. Center for Disease Control, including hand washing with soap for at least 20 seconds and avoiding close contact with others.

In addition, the board has taken additional actions as called for by the North Carolina mandate and to promote the health and well-being of all residents and contractors.  Please review this document  to understand how the board’s actions affect you.

March WSG Board Meeting

In the interest of health and public safety, the WSG Board will not be meeting in their usual manner on Friday, March 27th. Mill House, our management company and the committees of the Board will be sharing information in written form among themselves pertaining to the activities in progress.  Minutes will be available soon thereafter on the WSG website which reflect these various activities and updates.

Pencil Hollies by Garages

Over the past several months, the Landscape Committee has noticed that there are 5-6 dead Pencil Hollies.  These are the shrubs planted between most of the garages.  In past years, when the Pencil Hollies have died, they have been replaced only to die again.

Because these shrubs are surrounded by asphalt and concrete with no access to water,  the Landscape Committee made the decision not to replace them.  They will be removed and the spot will be filled with mulch.

Message from Mill House Properties

Dear Homeowners,

As of Monday, March 16th the Mill House Properties office located at 1720 East Franklin Street in Chapel Hill has closed while we navigate the COVID-19 protocols as it pertains to us. This does not mean Mill House is not open; we are open and all working remotely. While maintaining our usual business hours, we will do what we can from our homes. Please be aware that only essential work orders will be addressed at this time, and we will follow the lead of our vendors to be sure that all CDC guidelines are being observed. Many companies are operating on smaller crews already, so we will follow their lead. We will do our best to meet the needs of our customers.

All emails and phone lines are working, and that is the best way to reach us. If you normally drop off your monthly assessment to the office, we are asking that during this time you please mail them to:

Mill House Properties HOA
1720 East Franklin Street
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
(919) 448-5150

Thank you,
The Mill House HOA Staff