The Winter Reminders bulletin is out with important information about increased assessment dues, upcoming tree pruning, the schedule for Christmas tree, leaf bags, and garden debris pick-up, and the plan for community-wide mulching.
Saturday, November 13 was a beautiful day for the Weathersfield Holiday Picnic! Nearly eighty people attended the catered event and enjoyed the food, reconnecting with old friends, and meeting our new residents. Thanks to the Holiday Planning Committee and their helpers for organizing such an enjoyable event.
(This project is not sponsored by the Weathersfield Service Group; however, it is offered for your consideration as a project that contributes to our community.)
The Fall Reminders bulletin is out with important information about upcoming Annual WSG Meeting, repaving work, termite inspection and roof blowing; recycling and safety tips; and a reminder about the end of Daylight Savings Time.
For more information, click on the following link: Fall Reminders
Many of our neighbors have been asking about the covered signs that have “popped up” along Swim and Croquet. This street is one of 25 roadways in Fearrington Village (and 64 roadways in Chatham County) that will be resurfaced by the North Carolina Department of Transportation sometime between now and June 30, 2022. Unfortunately, more specific dates are not available from the NCDOT at this time.
The specific roadways in Fearrington Village that are scheduled to be resurfaced are marked in blue on the attached maps.
Pest & Termite Consultants will be conducting annual termite inspections on Wednesday, October 13, 2021 from 8:00am until 4:30pm. The inspector will need access to crawlspaces and the interior of garages.
Read all about the process, including what Pest & Termite Consultants will do and what you need to do. For more information, click on the link below :
The WSG Board of Directors is planning for this year’s in-person Annual Meeting which will be held on Saturday, November 6th, 2021 at 2:30 PM at the Gathering Place. Part of the meeting is dedicated to the election of new Board members. Please consider the opportunity to serve your community and find out more by clicking on the link provided.
As many of you have been aware during the latter part of June, Ruppert Landscape has been pruning hedges around the parking areas as well as other bushes/shrubs in Common Areas. This was done due to the post-Rejuvenation growth that needed to be trimmed and the hedges reshaped.
The annual pruning, which will take place in the early fall 2021, will include:
Bushes/shrubs on personal property (in front and alongside of resident houses and up to the HVAC system).
Holly trees on both personal property and on Common Areas that were “flat toped” during Rejuvenation but now need to be reshaped.
Bushes/shrubs on Common Area that may need additional light pruning.
As before, the Landscape Committee will distribute colored marking tape in each Close so that residents can mark bushes/shrubs that they do not wish to have trimmed/pruned. A resident may request that specific pruning be done. But not beyond the HVAC system or behind their personal property.
Residents will be notified via the WSG website on the actual dates for the annual pruning this coming fall.
Official website of the Weathersfield Service Group