Category Archives: Governance



John Bailey is now the Landscaping Committee Chair, replacing David Piet.  When a WSG owner has a landscaping request or issue, please begin by contacting Mill House Properties at  Mill House will either address the issue with Ruppert or create a work order.  If a work order is needed, the Landscape Committee will look into the issue and give Mill House guidance on how to proceed.  This is the protocol that is currently used for our maintenance repairs, and we have found that it works well.  Please note, however, that in the event of a true emergency, such as a tree falling on a house, you should contact both Mill House and a Board member.

Please give John Bailey a little time to get up to speed.


 For those owners who did not attend the Annual General Meeting on November 2nd, the New WSG Board now consists of the following people:

Steve Krasnow             President/Insurance Committee Chai

Rebecca Newton        Vice President and Treasure

Maria Tanner                 Secretary

Bob Spillane                  Architectural/Nominating Committe

Ernie Clarke                   Maintenance

John Bailey                     Landscaping

Joyce Brennan              Communications

Daniel Thomas             Utilities

Rental Cap Proposal

The Weathersfield Service Group Board of Directors decided last month to draft an amendment to the covenants placing a 12% cap on the number of Weathersfield houses that could be rented.  In preparation for that process, the Board has assembled a number of points for you to consider in deciding whether you will support that amendment.

A paper copy of that document, Weathersfield Rental Cap Proposal:  Points for Homeowners to Consider was delivered to each unit and is available here.

Annual General Meeting Results

The Weathersfield Service Group VI ballots from the mail-in Annual General Meeting have been tabulated separately by Mill House and the Board Secretary.  Out of a total of 104 possible votes (one vote per household), 76 were received, exceeding the necessary quorum of 63 (60% of all households as specified in the Covenants, Article IV, Section 5).  The results follow.
    • The three candidates running for the three open Board Director seats also received the most votes:  Steve Krasnow (74 votes), Larry Layton (74 votes), David Spencer (76 votes).  There was one write-in nomination, but the person named is not interested in board membership.  The new slate of directors and officers will take effect on November 6 after a special meeting in which board roles will be determined.
    • As required by our Covenants (Article IV, Section 3), a two-thirds majority of those households voting was needed to pass the requested monthly fee increase of $25.  Out of 76 votes cast, there were 65 yes votes and 11 no votes for a total of 86% in favor.  The measure passes and the fee increase will take effect in January, 2022.
A separate notice on responses to homeowner questions will be sent this week.


The WSG Board of Directors is planning for this year’s in-person Annual Meeting which will be held on Saturday, November 6th, 2021 at 2:30 PM at the Gathering Place.  Part of the meeting is dedicated to the election of new Board members.  Please consider the opportunity to serve your community and find out more by clicking on the link provided.

The Nominating committee is seeking homeowners to serve as Directors on the Board 7.2021


Annual General Meeting

Packets have been mailed to homeowners concerning this year’s Annual General Meeting (AGM).  You may also find these documents on this website by clicking on the link below.

2020 AGM Documents

Important reminder: In order to get an accurate count of ballots, we need you to use the self-addressed envelope provided in the packet. There is one ballot per household. You may drop your envelope into the WSG kiosk mailbox or send your ballot to Mill House Properties, 1720 East Franklin Street, Chapel Hill, NC 27514.

ALL BALLOTS MUST BE RETURNED NO LATER THAN 5:00 P.M. ON OCTOBER 31, 2020, and the presence of a quorum will be determined from the ballots received as of that date and time.

Important Announcement Concerning 2020 Annual General Meeting

Due to Covid-19, the Weathersfield Service Group VI Board of Directors has decided to conduct a mail-in Annual General Meeting rather than the usual in-person meeting.  All homeowners should have received, or shortly will receive, a letter in the mail explaining this change in detail.  The letter also provides important dates for completing and receiving ballots for the election of new Directors.  Returning your completed ballot is critical to assuring a quorum is achieved, making the election valid.  There will also be an opportunity for homeowners to address questions to the Board.  Each question will be addressed with responses from the Board.  A copy of the letter can be found here: AGM Announcement Letter