Category Archives: Landscaping

Notification – Trenching and Mulching in WSG On/about March 17 – 24, 2021

Ruppert Landscaping will be “trenching” (i.e., digging a shallow furrow along sidewalks, edges of beds, and Common Areas; a technique that helps contain the mulch in those areas over time.) Trenching, a preparatory step to mulching, will start on/about March 17.  Mulching will start March 22, 2021 and includes both personal property and Common Areas throughout the community.   Weather permitting, Ruppert is hoping to complete mulching in the entire community in 2 – 3 days.  In preparation for both trenching and mulching, please remove any non-permanent garden lights, statuary, or other ornamentation on your personal property to avoid any damage to these items as well as providing the Ruppert crew with easy access to your property.

Dark brown mulch, like what is currently in these areas, will be continued to ensure that color consistency remains throughout.


In recent weeks Weathersfield residents have received information concerning the upcoming Rejuvenation project which begins on Tuesday, January 12th.  The WSG Board of Directors convened a Special Meeting on Saturday, January 9th to discuss all aspects of rejuvenation and what it believes will be its positive, long-term benefit.  The following Motion unanimously passed “All shrubs, bushes and trees having been marked with tape (pink or orange) or white paint will be rejuvenated as planned by WSG contractor, Ruppert Landscape, or as adjusted by the WSG Landscaping committee acting on behalf of the WSG Board of Directors.  Exemptions may be granted only to those who have formally appealed to the Board of Directors and received approval for these exemptions beforehand.”

We encourage residents to visit and to gain a greater understanding of rejuvenation, why it is needed, and what to expect once it is complete.  The Board thanks you, in advance, for your patience and hopes that you will extend every courtesy to the Ruppert crew and the Landscaping committee as this process goes forward.

Rejuvenation in WSG January 12 – 15, Weather Permitting

Regarding the previously announced rejuvenation process, which is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, January 12, please read the following notifications:

  1. Marking:  Ruppert marked each Close on Wednesday and Thursday, January 6 -7 as follows:
    1. White paint on bushes, shrubs, trees: the white paint indicates to what level these will be pruned.  Anything above the white line will be pruned leaving the rest to flourish with new growth.
    2. Orange tape: any bush, shrub or tree marked with orange tape means that these will be minimally hand pruned.


2. Parking in your Close: From January 12 – 15: Please either park in your garage or at least 6 feet from the curb so that crews can prune the bushes or shrubs that border that area.

3. Removal of Christmas lights/decorations: If you have not already done so as the hardcopy Rejuvenation Notification placed at your doorstep requested that you do by January 4, please remove all lights, decorations, or other garden decorations (solar lights, statuary, etc.) so that they will not impede the crew.

4. Christmas tree pick up: Ruppert will remove Christmas trees on January 14 – 15 when they will be doing debris removal.  Please place them on the debris brush piles located in your Close.

Reminder: Rejuvenation Pruning Begins January 12

Ruppert Landscaping will begin rejuvenation pruning on Tuesday, January 12, 2021, and, weather permitting, the project will take four days to complete.   The Landscape Committee would appreciate your having all decorations and lights removed from bushes, shrubs, and railings by January 2 at the latest.

Rejuvenation pruning will give shrubs, bushes, and trees the opportunity to thrive by appropriately trimming and cutting away the excess growth and removing dead or dying sections. Rejuvenation allows our plants to renew themselves and flourish in a natural way.

Rejuvenation is not being undertaken merely for aesthetic purposes.  The purpose is to care for our properties, maintain their values, and enhance the beauty of our neighborhood and green common spaces we all love and enjoy.  Let us appreciate the valuable work the Ruppert managers and crews contribute to this goal by giving them the courtesy, respect, and cooperation that they deserve.

For detailed information on the purpose, process and procedure for this project, please read:  WSG Rejuvenation Pruning

Please contact David Piet, WSG Director, Landscaping Committee, if you have questions.

Tree Pruning Scheduled for Week of December 14

Davey Tree Expert Company

In August 2020, Davey Tree conducted a survey in WSG IV to identify what pruning of branches and trees needed to be done to keep our homes and community safe and attractive.  The survey specifically identifies exactly what pruning needs to be done by house number, Close and Common Areas.

The purpose is to “Prune the trees throughout the community to clear the homes, chimneys, garages, lights and signs as much as appropriate for the respective trees.”

A crew from Davey Tree will be on site starting Monday, December 14 for approximately one week, weather permitting.

It is important to note that this pruning will not impact the homes where holiday decorations and lights have been put up.

Questions: Contact Michelle at or 919-448-5150.

WSG IV Notification – Rejuvenation Postponed

On behalf of the WSG Board and the Landscaping Committee, this is to wish everyone a happy, festive, and safe holiday season.  You will be pleased to know that it has been agreed to postpone the Rejuvenation process until January 2021.

The rejuvenation process which Ruppert Landscaping will do, while expensive, is a one-off process, which will start on Tuesday, January 12, 2021 and, weather permitting, will take four days to complete.  We would appreciate it if you could have all decorations and lights removed from bushes, shrubs, and railings by January 2 at the latest.

Rejuvenation pruning will give shrubs, bushes, and trees the opportunity to thrive by appropriately trimming and cutting away the excess growth and removal of dead or dying sections. Rejuvenation allows our plants to renew themselves and flourish in a natural way.

Rejuvenation is not being undertaken merely for aesthetic purposes.  The purpose is to care for our properties, maintain their values and enhance the beauty of our neighborhood and green common spaces we all love and enjoy.

Happy Holidays!

The WSG Board

Upcoming Pruning and Lawn Aeration

Ruppert will  do a general maintenance pruning of all shrubs in the front and side of homes (up to the AC units)  throughout the community beginning Wednesday, 9/23/2020 — WEATHER PERMITTING.  If needed, pruning will be completed on Wednesday, 9/30/2020.


Tag with colored tape any shrub(s) you do not want pruned.  Colored tape will be placed on the bench in each close in a plastic bag.  When you have used the tape, return it in the plastic bag to the bench for your neighbors to use.  The tapes will be collected after pruning is completed.

Within 2 weeks following the pruning, please remove any tape that you have put on the shrubs.


Aeration and overseeding of the lawns will occur on Thursday, 10/8/2020.


New Date: Rejuvenation Pruning of Elaeagnus Shrubs


As previously mentioned, the rejuvenation pruning for the Elaeagnus throughout the community will commence on Monday, JULY 20.  The rejuvenation will take the Elaeagnus down  significantly in order to allow more light to reach the lower limbs.  The Elaeagnus will be treated at the same time for the fungus that is currently affecting the plants.  Do not be surprised by the significant cut back.  And, please do not interrupt the Ruppert crew during this pruning.

If you have any questions, please contact Hope Weber or
Peggy Akers.

Thank you.
The Landscape Committee