Category Archives: News


To: All Weathersfield Residents

To further improve our drive towards preventative maintenance (heading off trouble before it starts) we asked our roofing company to inspect our roofs and identify any problems during a planned roof cleaning project.  Once the roofs were blown free of leaves and pine needles in late Fall, the contractor did find a considerable number of defects that included most of the roofs in our community.

After reviewing the work, we have decided to have it done in one block. It will begin on February 14 and likely proceed until the end of the month.

This letter is to make you aware that the contractor will be needing access to most of the roofs in the community during that time. We realize this can at times be inconvenient, but we hope to have all your cooperation. As we get closer to the onset of this work, we will attempt to notify you of the schedule for the individual Closes.

Failure to address the potential weaknesses and other defects would likely result in roof leaks that could lead to further damage to the interiors of our homes and costly repairs.

Please feel free to contact Larry Layton or Steve Krasnow with any questions that you may have.


David Spencer, Weathersfield HOA Board President

Possible Car Thieves and Email Scams in Weathersfield


On a regular basis, a late model SUV has been observed in Weathersfield closes between the hours of 10:30 P.M. and 1:30 A.M.  THIS IS NOT SOMEONE DELIVERING NEWSPAPERS.  The same car has one or more occupants and comes into the closes and appears to look for open garages and unlocked cars.  When observed and called out to, they quickly flee.  One of the individuals who gets out of the car is a tall, thin, Caucasian young adult. Unfortunately, these individuals are far enough away that the person observing them cannot tell the color or exact make of the car or read the license plate.

Please be aware that this is happening on a REGULAR BASIS and seems to suggest that our neighborhood is being “cased” for unlocked cars and open garages.

Please make sure that you keep your garages closed at night and, if your car is parked in the close parking lot, keep it locked.

If you are able to get identifying information about this vehicle and/or its occupants, contact the sheriff’s dept. with that information.  The 24-hour non-emergency number is 919-542-2911.

In addition, Email scammers are, again, at work.  If you receive an email asking for assistance of any kind with Jo Bolig, WSG President, as the sender, know that THIS IS A BOGUS EMAIL.  Do not respond to these emails.  The senders do not use Jo’s legitimate email address.  They ask for “help” that may take the form of requesting gift cards.  IGNORE ALL SUCH SCAMS.

Submitted by Jo Bolig


Due to a cyber incident that impacted the Chatham County Government on October 28, water bills were not issued in November, will not be issued in December, and MAY NOT be issued in January.  Personnel in the billing department of the Utilities and Water Division reported this week that they are not certain when the billing system will be fully operational.


Due to a cyber incident that impacted the Chatham County Government on October 28, water bills were not issued in November.  Personnel in the billing department of the Utilities and Water Division reported this week that it could be two (2) to four (4) more weeks before the billing system is fully operational.  Of course, during this time, late fees will not be assessed.

Individuals with further questions can contact the utilities office at 919-542-8270.  A link to the Utilities and Water Division website is also provided below.