Category Archives: News

Watch Out for Email Scams

Emails have streamlined our world, no doubt, but sometimes they also can pose a problem.  Recently, a number of residents have received emails asking for an immediate response which ultimately would take the form of “support” for the alleged sender.  The “support” is (no  surprise!) money, usually in the form of gift cards, which the recipient is told to purchase and forward to the sender’s address which, tellingly, is NOT the address of the supposed sender.  DO NOT FALL FOR THIS SCAM!  Residents should NOT respond with monetary support to anyone making an email request without confirming legitimacy by additional means.  Unless you can be sure any request genuinely comes from whom it claims to be from, delete the questionable email.  And, certainly, DO NOT send this unknown person any money.

Weathersfield 2020 Monthly Assessments

As approved by vote of the homeowners at the Annual General Meeting in November, Weathersfield Service Group monthly assessments have increased to $310 beginning in January 2020.  As a reminder, monthly assessments are due the first day of each month.  The HOA does not send monthly statements unless an account is 30 days past due and assessed a $20 late fee.  Please see the collection policy for further information.

As a reminder, Berkeley Property Management has been purchased and is now Mill House Properties, located at 1720 East Franklin Street, Chapel Hill, NC 27514.

Make Check or Money Orders out to WSG VI and mail to:

c/o Mill House Properties
1720 East Franklin Street
Chapel Hill, NC 27514

As stated in a letter sent to all homeowners in December, Mill House Properties is transitioning to a new online system (AppFolio) in late January.  It will offer a convenient way for homeowners to set up an online account to see their account history and balances, pay monthly assessments online (fee for credit cards), in addition to other benefits. Homeowners who have completed and returned the contact information form included in the December letter will receive an email invitation from AppFolio when the system is “live.”  A copy of the contact information form can be found here.

If you are currently enrolled in monthly auto draft, this will continue until Mill House Properties has completed transitioning to AppFolio.  You will be notified if any changes to this process occur with the new system.  The monthly draft normally takes place on approximately the 5th business day; however, the draft will be delayed this January while Mill House Properties transitions to the new system.

Please email Mill House Properties’ finance department at with any further questions.


NC Division of Highways Road Work

You probably have seen the roadwork along the sides of Weathersfield Road this week.  The WSG Board has called NC Division of Highways to learn the reason behind the grading work.  The Highway Division says the work is to address drainage problems.  They plan to repair damage caused by their work by reseeding the road shoulders and covering with straw.  There is no date as yet for when the repairs will be done.

You will notice this work is continuing along Millcroft and other roads in Fearrington.  Weathersfield and the other roads are state roads and NC Division of Highways has the right of access and maintenance.  Your WSG Board will continue to follow developments and keep the Division of Highways aware of their responsibility to repair the damage to the roadsides their work has caused.

Weathersfield Annual General Membership Meeting

The Weathersfield Annual General Membership meeting is scheduled for Saturday, November 2, 2019, from 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm at the Gathering Place.  (Note time of meeting has been updated from original posting of this article.)  Weathersfield homeowners elect directors at the annual meeting for two-year terms to replace those directors whose terms are expiring.  This year there are three directors whose terms are expiring.  All three directors have agreed to serve a second two-year term, and their names will be placed in nomination by the Nominating Committee.  Additional nominations are welcome at the  meeting.

Please consider serving on a standing committee.  The committees are listed below.  Serving on a neighborhood committee offers a resident the opportunity to be involved in and learn about community business and to support the work of our Board of Directors.  If you are interested in serving, click on Committees and Offices under the WSG Board tab above to learn about committee responsibilities, membership and Committee Chair contact information.  Contact information is also available in the FHA Directory.

Also at this meeting, homeowners will vote on a proposed change in the Bylaws to establish the Committee on Communications as a permanent standing committee of the Board.

  • Nominating, Committee Chair – Jo Bolig
  • Grounds Maintenance and Lot Appearance, Committee Chair – Hope Weber
  • Utilities, Committee Chair – Bill Moore
  • Architectural, Committee Chair – Bill Kearney
  • Insurance, Committee Chair – Bill Simpson
  • Building and Street Maintenance, Committee Chair – Bill Kearney
  • Communications, Committee Chair – Tim Gura

If you think you would like to serve on a committee or have questions regarding what is involved, please contact Jo Bolig,, Chairperson of the Nominating Committee.

An official notice of the annual general membership meeting will be mailed to homeowners this fall.  We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.

Jo Bolig, Shirley McLaughlin and Betsy Green WSG Nominating Committee

Roofing news

Good news! Both house and garage roofs will be blown off by the crew from Squeaky Clean within the next two weeks, weather permitting. Remember that cleaning gutters is the responsibility of the owners and Squeaky Clean will only be blowing off the roofs.

Questions: Contact Michelle at or 919-448-5150

Another exciting project is happening! In the next four weeks you may see roofing contractors exploring garage roofs. The WSG Board has approved the bidding process for replacement of 92 original garage roofs. BPM sent out requests for proposals and all bids are due back by February 28, 2019.