Category Archives: Rules & Regulations

Providing Parking Clarity for Weathersfield VI HOA

WSG Covenants:  Article II, Section 3. Parking Rights

WSG VI will maintain upon the Common Areas one garage unit and one outside parking space for each Living Unit. The garage and parking space will be conveniently located with respect to each Living Unit. Each neighborhood area has four (4) or six (6) living units being served by the common parking area. Each Living Unit will respect their neighbors’ temporary need for additional spaces as agreed upon by the Living Unit Owners to accommodate guests, visitors, moving vehicles, and service vehicles when necessary. The common parking area is designed for the exclusive use of the Living Units with the above stipulations. The use of such space by any other member or person may be enjoined by WSG VI or the Members entitled thereto. Any dispute that cannot be resolved by Living Unit Owners within a Close will be resolved by the Board.


The right to exclusive use of such parking spaces and each garage unit and to its maintenance by WSG VI shall be appurtenant to and shall pass with title to each Living Unit. No boats, trailers, mobile homes, vehicles for hire, or motor homes owned or leased by any member, family, or guest of Member shall be parked within the right of way of any street, parking lots, or Common Area in WSG VI.


WSG Board Comments

The covenants state that “WSG VI will maintain upon the Common Areas one garage unit and one outside parking space for each Living Unit.”  There is no mention of each unit owner having access to three spaces.   Since the amount of parking available in each close is limited, it is incumbent upon the neighbors to work cooperatively with each other with respect to temporary parking, as stated in the covenants.

These comments correct the statements made at the WSG VI Annual General Meeting held on November 2, 2024 that were reflected in the minutes.

WSG Board of Directors Issues Ramp Guidelines

Guidelines for obtaining approval from the WSG Board to build a ramp to access a home have been issued by the Board. A copy of those guidelines can be found on this website at WSG Ramp Guide or from the above menu at Documents/Guidelines for Homeowners.  This document should be signed and submitted with the Request for Property Modification Approval form when a homeowner is requesting approval to install a ramp to their home.

Considerations Concerning COVID-19 Virus Outbreak

The Weathersfield Service Group (WSG) Board of Directors is concerned for the well-being of all the residents of our community and believe we all have a responsibility to support the North Carolina Stay at Home mandate.  Most importantly, board members strongly encourage WSG residents to practice the public health guidelines of the U.S. Center for Disease Control, including hand washing with soap for at least 20 seconds and avoiding close contact with others.

In addition, the board has taken additional actions as called for by the North Carolina mandate and to promote the health and well-being of all residents and contractors.  Please review this document  to understand how the board’s actions affect you.