Last Christmas Tree Pick-Up Day

Christmas trees will be picked up on January 8 and 22, weather permitting. Please leave the trees at the end of the close.

Roof Blowing Today

Weather permitting, the crew from Squeaky Clean will be blowing off roofs for the townhouses and garages on Tuesday, January 28, 2020. Questions: Contact Michelle at or 919-448-5150.

Postponed: 2020 Spring Fling

The Grove (at the end of Weathersfield road)

This year's Spring Fling will be help on Friday, May 15 at the Grove from 5 pm to 7 pm.

2020 Pressure Washing

The WSG Board has contracted with Southern Outdoor Restoration to pressure wash Weathersfield townhouses and garages. The project is scheduled for June 15-25, 2020.

Official website of the Weathersfield Service Group