Turf and Shrub Management

With all the rain lately, the turf has been growing quickly, but it has been very wet and mowing has been tricky.  Most of the larger common areas (along the roadside) have been addressed but the smaller turf areas where the mowers may damage the new growth have not been mowed weekly.  The crew assesses the turf each week and checks in with Nancy or Patsy with their mowing recommendations.

Shrubs throughout the community are growing as well, and certain areas look like they could use a good pruning.  However, we do not want to prune during prime growing season as it can damage or even kill a plant.  Spring prune date is yet to be determined but will likely fall at the end of spring or beginning of summer when the plants go dormant in the heat.  Of course, this is subject to change and is based on the weather and growth rates.

Spring Fling is May 9th

Have you completed your reservation for the Weathersfield Spring Fling?   If not, you need to do it now.  Return your Spring Fling Flyer and $3.00 cash to Dese Simpson (528 Weathersfield) no later than Monday, April 30.

The Spring Fling will be:

Wednesday, May 9th, 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM at The Grove.

Bring your favorite hors d’oeuvre to share, chairs, and house guests.

In the event of rain, we will hold the Fling at the Gathering Place, same date, same time.

Pressure Washing and Roof Blowing to Begin Monday, March 26

Pressure washing of building siding and sidewalks is scheduled to begin March 26.   Roof blowing of leaves and other debris will be done at the same time.  The work will take about two to three weeks to complete, depending on weather.

The Greg Tilley crew will follow the house numbers starting with the lowest numbers first.  They will blow the roof debris and wash each building as they go.

Be sure to follow these guidelines to ensure a successful project:

Pressure Washing
  1. Please remove furniture, baskets and plants from your front porch.
  2.  Please keep windows closed when the crew gets to your close.
  3.  Greg Tilley will also pressure wash your deck for a fee. You may contact him directly at 919-812-3536.
Roof Blowing
After clearing the roofs, debris on decks and sidewalks will be blown into wooded common areas. Homeowners are not required to make any special preparations, but, of course, you should use your own judgement about what items you may wish to temporarily cover or move.
Questions?  Please call or text Berkeley Property Management at (919) 448-5150 or email officemanager@berkeleychapelhill.com.

Grove Wednesday Meet-Ups Starting Soon

The Grove
Wednesday’s: 5:00-7:00 pm
March 14-October 31

The Grove is a natural setting in the circle at the end of Weathersfield. It is a place where one can sit and visit with friends or simply enjoy moments of quiet reflection. It has become a tradition for neighbors to gather on Wednesday to visit with one another. Bring your favorite beverage and a light snack and enjoy this time with friends (weather permitting) beginning March 14.

Yes, You Can!

Do you want to see Weathersfield continue to be an active, beautiful, well run community? Do you have ideas on how Weathersfield could be an even better place to live? Can your talents make a difference? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then you are needed and your participation would be greatly appreciated.

Our homeowners’ association, The Weathersfield Service Group (WSG), needs homeowners every year to serve on the five member Board of Directors. As we do most years, we may have one or more positions to fill. And, with or without board vacancies, we want and need your help. Your skills can be put to use right away by serving on one of the standing committees or helping on other projects underway or planned.

Elections for board members occur every November at the annual meeting of homeowners. After the election, the new members select a president and vice president, who must be board members, and a treasurer and a secretary, who may or may not be members of the board. Board meetings are held once a month except for the months of June, July, August and December.

In addition to attending board meetings, individual board members chair six standing committees:

  • The Architectural Committee approves homeowner requests to make additions and other alterations to the outside of their units.
  • The Buildings and Street Maintenance Committee oversees maintenance of the exterior of our townhouses and our garages, parking lots, sidewalks and drives.
  • The Grounds Maintenance and Lot Appearance Committees are two separate committees combined under one chairperson. They oversee lawn, plant and tree maintenance in the common areas.
  • The Insurance Committee negotiates liability and property insurance and manages those contracts.
  • The Nominations Committee recruits and recommends new members for the WSG Board.
  • The Utilities Committee oversees utility services, including streetlights and sanitation and storm sewers, for the common areas of Weathersfield.

Each standing committee is required to have at least three committee members, including the committee chairperson. All committees are actively engaged in projects and are pleased to have help from interested residents. If you have an interest in any of the areas that a committee oversees, please contact the chair of that committee. They would be delighted to talk to you. Additional information about each committee and who to contact may be found at www.weathersfieldsg.org/hoa-board/committees/.

Your ideas are listened to. Your talents are valued. Your involvement is appreciated.

Need a Copy of the WSG Homeowners Insurance Policy?

If you are refinancing your mortgage, getting a home equity loan or changing your personal insurance policy, you may be asked by your bank or broker to provide a copy of the Weathersfield homeowners insurance policy.  They want this information to make sure you have adequate homeowner’s insurance to protect their investment (or adequate coverage, if the request comes from your personal insurance company).  Here is what you should do:

  • Call the Seagroves Agency at (919) 542-3750. Seagroves is our insurance broker, and they handle our insurance policy with Nationwide Insurance.
  • The Seagroves representative will tell you that the requestor doesn’t need a copy of the complete, lengthy policy.  What they really need is the one-page Certificate of Insurance for the Weathersfield policy.
  • Seagroves will contact your bank or broker and send them the Certificate directly with your name and reference number.   Simple as can be!

If you have any questions or problems, contact Bill Simpson, the Weathersfield Chair of the Insurance Committee at (919) 533-6504 or billdese@nc.rr.com.

Changes in Monthly Assessment and Insurance Deductible Coming

On December 1 all WSG Homeowners were mailed information about upcoming changes that affect us all:

Monthly Assessment
At the Annual General Meeting in November, homeowners voted to increase the monthly assessment we all pay from $265 to $275 per month beginning January 1, 2018. The mailed notice informs you if you are enrolled in auto-draft with Berkeley Property Management, your account will be revised to collect the new amount beginning in January. You do not need to take further action. However, if you pay your assessment through direct bill pay with your bank, you will need to access your bank’s on-line pay system to increase the amount you pay.

Insurance Deductible Increase
Beginning April 1, 2018, the Weathersfield insurance deductible will increase to $10,000. While this will result in cost savings to the Association, you will need to make sure your own HO-6 homeowner’s policy provides enough “additions and alterations” coverage to cover the new deductible. More information can be found by reading the HOA Insurance Information Document by clicking here.

Official website of the Weathersfield Service Group