Is Your Pressure Too High?

The pressure referred to here is the WATER PRESSURE IN YOUR HOME.  Some homeowners in Fearrington Village recently attended a presentation sponsored by Fearrington Village Green Scene.  A portion of the presentation focused on PRESSURE REDUCING VALVES (PRVs).

These valves regulate the flow of water into Fearrington Village and others regulate the flow of water into individual homes.  The presenters from the Chatham County Public Utilities recommended homeowners engage a plumber to locate, check, clean and/or replace the valve into your home every 5 years.  Note that the cost of the plumber’s services and any parts or replacement items is a homeowner responsibility.

Having a properly functioning PRV can help avoid a compromised flow of water into your home which can result in interior damage if leakage and/or breakage occur.


CTI will begin blowing leaves and other debris off home and garage roofs on Monday Feb. 12 and should be finished by Friday Feb. 16, depending on the weather. We do not yet have information about where they will start. We will post that information when it is available.



Mulching on Personal Property and in Common Areas will begin on February 19 and will take several days to complete, weather permitting.

Prior to the start of mulching in WSG on February 19, Ruppert and a member of the Landscape Committee will walk the Closes to identify small grassy areas that are difficult to mow.  The intent is to integrate these areas with existing mulched beds in front of Private Property along walkways.   This will not only save Landscape money used for mowing during regular maintenance but will beautify existing beds.

The crew will not be mulching under the large shrubs that surround several parking areas

Winter Landscaping Schedule

Ruppert Landscaping is now on a 10-day winter schedule. They plan their next visit for Monday, December 11, weather permitting. Please set out leaf bags and other debris on Sunday evening or Monday morning for pickup.

This 10-day schedule will continue until the spring season. Watch for the “MAINTENANCE” sign on Swim & Croquet and Weathersfield before putting out yard waste.

David L. Piet, Landscape Chair, WSG Board

Upcoming Turf Treatment/Renovation & Pruning Schedule

Subject:  Ruppert Landscape

Turf Treatment/Renovation: Aeration and overseeding of grassy areas throughout Weathersfield will take place on Thursday, September 28, weather permitting.  Prior to the aeration process, Ruppert will cut the grass lower than normal to allow for deeper penetration of seed.

This is an expensive undertaking since turf renovation consists of double aeration of the affected areas, the application of lime, reseeding, fertilizer, and initial watering upon installation.

NOTE: Please do not park on the verges along Weathersfield, Woodbury, and Swim and Croquet since this will inhibit new growth.  Also please ask that your contractors also not park heavy trucks and equipment along these same verges.

Pruning on Private Property: Pruning of bushes, shrubs, and holly trees on private property will begin on Wednesday, October 4 (weather permitting) – on a Close-by-Close basis.  Pruning will continue the following week if necessary.

Plastic zip bags with colored marking tape will be distributed to each Close one week before pruning is to begin and placed on a bench in the Common or with one of your neighbors.  Please check the bench or with your neighbors to obtain the tape.  It is important that you use the tape to identify any plants that are on your private property that you DO NOT want Ruppert to prune.  Anything not marked with tape will be pruned.

Once Ruppert has finished in your Close, please remove the tape from your plants and leave any unused tape on the bench in your Close for pickup.

NOTES: (1) Per Ruppert’s contract, the crew will not prune beyond the HVAC system or behind residences.  The crew has been similarly instructed not to go beyond these points.  (2) Bushes and shrubs in front of windows need to be pruned to the lower window level and those along entry way railings need to be pruned away from siding to both protect the siding and allow access for maintenance contractors to work.

Fall and Winter Schedule: Ruppert Landscape will begin its fall and winter routine maintenance in Weathersfield starting in November on an approximately 10-day schedule.

Thank you for your cooperation and consideration.

David Piet, Landscape Chair, WSG Board

Official website of the Weathersfield Service Group