Report on the 2019 Holiday Party

On Saturday, December 7th, 76 people attended the annual Weathersfield Holiday Party.  Nineteen attendees were newly arrived in Weathersfield during 2019, including several who moved to the neighborhood recently.  All new residents were identified with a silver ribbon on their name tags.

The evening began with a social hour with drinks and appetizers provided by circulating servers.  A buffet dinner followed with two stations which moved people through the buffet line quickly.  The Root Cellar provided the delicious appetizers and the dinner.  There were eleven door prizes drawn during the evening.  Contributions came from local businesses, as well as Fearrington residents, including our own Anne Angers who provided one of her framed watercolor paintings again this year.  Thank you letters have been sent to all of the businesses and individuals who contributed.

The decorations were lovely and created a festive and elegant

holiday atmosphere.  A number of food donations along with checks for CORA were brought by neighbors attending the gathering.

Committee members have heard from many residents expressing how pleased they were with the event, and a large number of individuals stayed behind to help with the clean up.  It appears the holiday party was a fun and welcoming social event for all Weathersfield residents who attended.

The nine member committee worked together over five months in planning, and had assistance from other Weathersfield residents to make this a great event.   Any resident wanting to help with the 2020 holiday party may contact any of us to indicate their interest.   

Julie Uhler, Jan & Dave Spencer, Robbie Nadas, Shirley McLaughlin, Rose & Steve Krasnow, Mary Ann Kearney, Sheila Creth.

Official website of the Weathersfield Service Group